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Internal Medicine Residency IM Residency

Women in Medicine

We have a robust program that is reflected in our residents and faculty. Over half of our residents are women.


Officially launched in 2015, the Women in Medicine (WIM) Group of UCSD's Internal Medicine Residency Program has a rich history of empowering women in healthcare. Last year's events included seminars on self-promotion, impactful presentations, culinary medicine, and even flower arranging. This year, one of our primary goals has been to facilitate mentorship opportunities for women in our field. Recognizing the vital role mentorship plays in the success of physicians, we aimed to bridge the gap and provide accessible mentorship by launching the Women in Medicine Mentorship Program this academic year (more details below). 

Mission Statement: Our mission is to empower women medical students, residents, fellows and faculty at UCSD, strengthening their impact as leaders in the UCSD and wider San Diego communities. We will achieve this mission through monthly events including networking events, high yield leadership sessions and local partnerships with industry and women leaders to build a community that will have lasting impact both on the individual and this healthcare system.

Women in Medicine Mentorship Program 

Our Women in Medicine Mentorship Program runs parallel to our regular WIM events, creating opportunities for mentors and mentees to connect. This program seeks to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Networking and Career Advancement: Empower female residents by connecting them with role models, illustrating paths for success, and fostering a supportive community within the Department of Medicine.
  2. Cultivating Confidence and Leadership Skills: Foster confidence and develop leadership skills among women in medicine, empowering them to pursue and excel in their professional journeys.
  3. Workplace Advocacy: Equip women physicians with tools to effectively advocate for their career advancement and overall well-being.

Mentorship pairings are individually tailored based on the specific responses provided in your sign-up form.  


Past Events

Leadership Panel 


Mentorship Mixer

Mentorship mixer

Mentorship mixer 2

Flower Arranging



Culinary Medicine 



Zoom Female Fellows Panel

Zoom Female Fellows Panel

Work/Life Fit

Work/Life Fit

Imposter Syndrome Panel

Imposter Syndrome Panel

Paint Night

Paint Night