The Internal Medicine Residency Program at UC San Diego is committed to training and supporting physicians from all backgrounds.
Director's Welcome
Welcome to our program!
Our mission is to promote the increased recruitment, retention,and advancement of diverse medical professionals including internal medicine interns, residents, and faculty from underrepresented minority groups within the Department of Medicine at UC San Diego School of Medicine, with the goal of reflecting the demographics of our diverse patient populations and achieving inclusive excellence.
Our Initiatives

Advancing Health Equity Advocacy & Diversity (AHEAD)
The goal of this initiative is to educate our residents in topics surrounding the DEI space as well as provide them avenues to become advocates in our community. We give lectures on DEI topics such as microaggressions and ensure lectures in our themed Friday School blocks are dedicated to health care disparities.

Residents in Solidarity with Emerging Leaders (RISE) Neer-Peer Mentorship
A near-peer mentorship program pairing MS3 and residents. It provides them with the resources and mentorship needed to succeed in their 3rd year clerkships Check out this article featuring our program.

UC San Diego Student-Run Free Clinics
Established 20 years ago and currently run by Dr. Ellen Beck, these four clinics provide care to over 2,000 San Diegans!
Advocacy Highlights

Partnering with Our Neighbors
During the height of COVID outbreak, our PCCM physicians volunteered to help Tijuana physicians combat disease.
Ways to Get Involved
Residents have the opportunity to get involved in DEI activities in many ways, including:
- Exposing middle and high school students to healthcare careers through HPREP and Doc-4-A-Day
- Supporting the medical student organizations such as SNMA, LMSA, APAMSA, and LGBTQPham
- Meet Our Faculty
- Check out our repository of DEI resources
- Feel free to email with questions!